PC*MILER Web Services (any Feature Level)įILE EXCERPT: statename,countyname,placename,zip,XPosition,YPositionĪB,Athabasca County,Baptiste Lake,-113543589,54744442.The file is comma delimited and sorted in ascending order based on the state/province, county name then ZIP/Postal Code.Ī base license of the corresponding version for at least one of the following PC*MILER products, and an additional fee, are required before this Geocode File can be provided: It includes the same information as the North America City and ZIP-Postal Code File with the addition of latitude/longitude coordinates also listed per record. It also includes the corresponding ZIP/Postal Code where data is available. This Geocode File includes a list of data records for cities and postal codes in the North America that are accessible in PC*MILER and are included in the US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Greenland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, and the US Virgin Islands. Solution home PC*MILER User Guide PC*MILER Geocode Files North America City and ZIP-Postal Code File with Latitude/Longitude Coordinates